Thursday, August 2, 2012

Paintbrush Divide

We returned late yesterday from two days of hiking a spectacular circuit in the Tetons. We climbed about 4000 feet to 10700 at Paintbrush divide. The scenery was beyond any we have seen so far. We camped about 1200 feet below in a pine valley. No more bears to speak of but there were some indignant marmots. The marmot was pissed when we set up shop and strutted around glaring at us letting us know we were visitors in his house and we were not invited. Eventually the marmot got bored glaring at us so he went to bed in a tree trunk. Then there was a trio of birds skwaking away. They would not shut up for a couple hours. Bruce was convinced there was some sort of love triangle going on. The birds in these mountains are amazing. After the hike we went swimming in a lake where we saw a bald eagle. I am posting some pics from Old Faithful and the surrounding trails and from our paintbrush hike, the Marmot and the bald eagle on the top of a tree.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bruce and Sara,
    I attempted to write a note a few minutes ago and it was censored. I'm trying again. The marmot community are very aggrieved by your trespass. We couldn't sleep a wink what with your whining and stinking up our homes. Do we camp out in your front yard? We just may.
    You seem to be otherwise decent people. Please think the next time.
    The Marmots
    PS Nice pictures.
